Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New year, same plan apparently

Today was another day right on my points and this is one I'm incredibly proud of. I came home from work expecting to have a full 4-5 hours of homework when I get a phone call from the fraud department of my bank. Seems someone tried to access my account online and so the bank immediately closed all my accounts! So I had to run up to the local branch and reopen all of them and try to get everything switched over. My direct deposit goes into these accounts, I pay my bills from these accounts and I never carry cash because I always use my debit card. So now I'm stuck with no money at all until everything gets moved. Talk about stressed. All this would usually lead me to throwing in the towel and coming home to devour everything in my cabinets. But I am very proud that I did not. I made the dinner I planned and amazingly even skipped the dessert I had counted for just because I didn't feel like it. Now that I think about it that is very odd. Maybe I'm in shock... :)

I wanted to share something interesting I found when I was cleaning out stuff this weekend. It was a very eye-opening discovery. I have been to WW so many times over the years I have lost count. But in a box I found two old WW weigh in cards. One was from September of 2002. I was married then and living in Michigan. My starting weight was 190.2. I only have 12 weeks stamped but as of July 2003 I was down to 174.8. Guess I stopped and started a few times. The other card was from April 2004. Newly divorced and living back in Louisville. Starting weight was 189.0. Last weigh in was September 2004 at 168.6. Last March I started WW at 201.4, my highest weight ever. By May or June I had made it down to 179.0. So I have been losing and gaining these same 20 or so pounds for about 6 years. And who knows about the cards I didn't find from before 2002. I honestly did not realize I weighed this much as far back as 2002. In 1999 I weighed 165 for my wedding. That is the lowest number I can remember. Its a little sad I think. I'm not sure why this time is going to be any different. I'm sure I felt as optimistic and excited each one of those times and yet I'm here again. Maybe it will be staying accountable here that finally changes things. Or reading everyone else's journey and knowing I'm not alone with my struggles. Or maybe I've just finally had enough of the lumps and bumps and would like to see what I look like at a normal weight. Only thing I know is I am going to keep going forward as hard as I can and just keep getting back up and trying.


MeltingLisa said...

Hi Tracy, so sorry to hear about the mess-up with the bank, thank goodness they caught it before money was taken from your account!

Good job on not reverting to old habits and stress eating .. that is a big one to conquer!

karen said...

I don't know if I would have been that strong to not devour everything ... and THEN I probably would have gone shopping for more! I'm so proud of you!!!

Rebecca said...

Just a fellow team Angie member dropping by to say Hi!