Friday, August 26, 2011


I am sooooo glad it is Friday.  This was my first full week doing my student teaching and it is hard to get used to being on my feet all day.  I am working with high school kids and you cannot let up for a second with them.  But I am absolutely loving it so far.  I sometimes realize what a great time I'm having and hope that I have finally found my calling.  Only took me 40 years! 

I actually lost again this week without any exercise (which I am so trying to get back into).  I have to be honest that on Thursday we were so busy with classes that I completely skipped lunch.  I wonder if that contributed a bit to my Friday weigh in.  But I was so ravenous when I got home that night I really felt like I made up for skipping that meal.  I don't want to do that again though, it didn't make me feel very good. 

We have a really busy weekend with two birthday partys and dinner at a good friend's house so that worries me a bit too.  But I am just going to practice portion control as much as I can and really, really try to meet a friend at the gym Saturday and Sunday.  Money is so tight with me not working for pay but I just keep holding on to that membership...sigh!  Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! 

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Back Again

Well I sort of disappeared for the entire month of July but I am going to try this again.  I honestly can't say I did great in July, it was a pretty stressful and busy time, but I did attempt to be healthy.  In the past six weeks I quit my job, went on a camping vacation, had some great time off with my daughter and began my student teaching.  Somewhere along the way I managed to lose a little weight but I think it was more because of blistering hot and humid heat on my camping trip (that made me not want to eat or drink anything) and not having time to eat in the last week teaching.  First time in a long time that I actually lost weight on a vacation instead of gained.  But...I will take it for what it is, and being below 200 has really motivated me to stay that way for good!!! 

I am really excited about doing my student teaching and for this first seven weeks I am helping an awesome teacher with her accounting and computer applications class.  My bachelor's is in accounting so I feel pretty comfortable with it and I am enjoying this way more than I had hoped.  She is teaching me so much I feel that I may actually be able to teach a class of my own someday.  Because we're in the school all day I HAVE to plan my lunches and snacks because there is no where else to eat.  And I only get 20 minutes.  I think this is really going to help me and make me finally have a meal plan for the week.  The only thing I have to watch is being ravenous when I get home and grabbing anything.  So...on that note I am off to plan my meals for the week and have a good healthy grocery trip!  I believe there is a gym trip in my future today also.  If anyone happens to read this I hope everyone has a wonderful and healthy weekend!