Monday, June 27, 2011

101 Days Summer of Challenge Update Week #4

Week 4 - My two goals for the challenge are to lose "something" each week and to work out at least 30 mins, 5 days a week.  Goal #1 accomplished!  I lost (again) 1.2 so that puts me at 202.6. I was very happy with that as I seemed to log in to WW each morning and manage to track breakfast and lunch, only to totally fail at dinner.  We have been eating out a lot.  But I have been trying to make better choices and obviously it is helping.  I just need to work on tracking the entire day, even if I go over.  I think that will ultimately help me make better choices AND see where I am going wrong. 

Goal #2 - huh.  A few years ago I was bending over to pick something up and when I straightened back up I had a very sharp pain in they right back area, just above my behind.  It would not go away so I ended up at a chiropractor who said I had piriformis syndrome.   They diagnosis was "pain, tingling, or numbness deep in the buttocks and along the sciatic nerve. Sitting down, stretching, climbing stairs, and performing squats usually increases pain."  The treatment was going to her and having her literally dig her elbow into that area and push as hard as she could.  It really, really hurt.  And then I did stretches at home to help.  Last week it came back.  I was so upset.  Some of the things I have read has said that doing exercise incorrectly can actually cause this.  So now I have to wonder if I was doing something the wrong way and exacerbated this again.  As of right now I am having my bf dig his elbow in (lovely feeling, NOT) and doing the stretches.  But trying to do exercise would not be good until I get this under control.  And then I wonder if I should get a trainer to check my form. 

So I failed at this goal.  But I am trying not to feel too bad because it is really out of my control.  I didn't stay at home and sit on the couch and disregard getting my exercise in, I just CAN'T do it right now.  Maybe I should come up with an alternate goal until I can resume exercise.  It is getting better, I can tell.  But when walking my dog for 15 minutes still ends in sharp pain, I know that it is not the time to try and start again. 

In other news, I will be going out of town tonight until the 5th of July and I do not think I will have access to my computer until I get back. So I will not have a check in until probably week #6.  We are going to Michigan to stay at a friend's cabin right on the lake and I am so looking forward to some time off!  I have already talked to her and we are buying all our own food to cook and going for daily walks so I am not feeling too worried about it.  And with all the running around maybe I'll manage to get my 30 minutes in each day too! 

Hope everyone has a great week on the challenge and I'll be back on the 5th! 


Sara said...

Hi there, thanks for visiting my blog! :) Such a bummer when an injury keeps you from working out...I hope you heal very soon!!

Biz said...

Yep, you can't beat yourself up for not being able to exercise because of injury - completely out of your control.

So jealous of your upcoming trip!! Looking forward to your recap when you get back.

Kim of Mo Betta said...

Enjoy your vacation and give your back time to heal. the exercise will be there when you get back :) I'm absolutely terrible about tracking my food (which is why I haven't tried WW) but sounds like you are doing pretty good. I really need to try it...then I'd have to be accountable for all those "a few chips here, a cookie there" etc. I wish chocolate was a health food. *sigh* Enjoy your trip!

Biz said...

Hope your July is going well!
