Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Baby it's cold outside ...

lol, I have been singing that all day for some strange reason. Yes, it is bitterly cold outside but usually I am grumpy and annoyed by it, not walking around singing. : )

I have been having a really rough week and I honestly don't know what I am going to see tomorrow morning. I did what I should NOT do and kept hopping on the scale every other day instead of waiting until my weigh in day. Saturday I was down a pound, Monday I was back up a half pound. Monday night I got annoyed at that and just started eating and eating and eating.

That is exactly what I always do. The weight loss slows down, I get discouraged and just give up. Of course Tuesday I was up a full pound from my last weigh in. Which usually would lead to me getting even more discouraged and having a complete free for all. But luckily, it did not this time. I got right back on track and had two fairly good days on plan even though I didn't count my points.

So I am not sure what tomorrow will bring. What I do know is that I am getting off the computer now and I'm planning out my food for tomorrow. I am going to count every bite that goes into my mouth tomorrow and I am going to come home and exercise. And I'm NOT giving up no matter what that scale says. I've come too far in the past 4 weeks to throw it all away.


Shari said...

Here you are! I was about to come over here and get onto you for not blogging every other day.

Hey listen. Don't beat yourself up over the few bad days. I weigh myself twice a day -- after I get out of the shower and have my hair dry (after all the water weighs something, right?) and the right before I go to bed. You always weigh less in the morning so it's always fun to see that loss :) But getting on the scale daily helps keep me motivated. If I see it go up I know I need to get my butt in gear. If it's down then I know I'm doing well and want to keep at it. So getting on the scale daily isn't so bad -- I guess it's just how you deal with it.

I got Bob's Bootcamp and I tried it last night and I really like it! I didn't do it tonight because I fell on the ice this morning and my hip is killing me. I'm hoping a good dose of Advil tonight will help that out and I can get to the gym tomorrow at lunch. If not, then I'll still go to the gym but do strength training vs cardio.

Keep up the good work. Tomorrow will be fine!

Marisa @Loser for Life said...

I feel ya! I have definitely done that before. I so wish I had a rewind button, ya know??

But, you are NOT giving up! That is HUGE and the fact that you are planning out your meals for tomorrow and going back to tracking just shows that you are committed and you can do this!! Don't worry about the scale tomorrow; you are back on track and that's all that matters! YOU ROCK!

MeltingLisa said...

'Atta girl!!!! No giving up allowed!

I want to lecture about weighing everyday, but that would be the pot calling the kettle black! It's a problem I have as well, if I find a trick that works I promise I will share.

Yip go track track track ....