Friday, February 20, 2009

Week #6 Results

Yesterday I weighed in at 181 for a loss of -1.5 this week. I feel like I really earned this. Even after not being able to accurately count my points for 3 days over the weekend, I really kicked it back into gear for the rest of the week.

The really awesome thing about last week was it made me see what it could be like for me on maintenance. That I can go out and enjoy time with my friends, make good choices without feeling deprived, and not beat myself up about what a horrible weekend I had come Monday.

I still feel a bit overwhelmed sometimes about how far I have to go but I am trying to focus on small steps and goals. I only have 5 more pounds until my first goal of 10%. And I am excited to be back in the 170’s again.

I do wish I had some idea of an end point but I really don’t want to put a number on my goal. I want to get to a weight where I look in the mirror and am happy with what I see. I have no idea what number that will be since its been so long since I’ve been there. Probably as a child! So I will just continue to focus on my little goals that I have for now and deal with that when I get closer.

Again, my main focus this week is going to be exercise. I know I am doing better than I was before but I would really like to get into a routine and I can’t seem to do that. Any ideas?

This Sunday I am going skiing and I am so excited. Its been quite a while since I’ve been and I’m not very good but I really enjoy it. I’ll try and get some pictures, hopefully of me standing up right and not on my behind! I am off to try and catch up on everyone; I’ve fallen way behind in my reading. Hope everyone has a great weekend.


Rebecca said...

Great job on the loss! Enjoy the slopes!

Marisa @Loser for Life said...

Yeah, Tracy! That's a great loss!!!!

For the exercise, how about a regular walking routine? When I first started WW, I would walk every MWF for about 40-60 min. depending on what I had time for. If you can score a buddy to walk with you, the time flies! If not, some tunes work well, too.
Have an awesome time skiing! That's a good calorie burner right there!

Diana said...

It's so hard to get in a regular exercise routine. It's finally become a habit for me, but it took me months of forcing myself to go. I'd be dragging my butt to the gym, but kicking and screaming all the way.

The only thing I can recommend is if you're not already a member of a gym, then join one. I'm not very good at self discipline and doing things on my own. But at the gym, seeing everyone else working out always motivates me.

I think after a period of time (for me it was about three months), it does become second nature to workout. It's just those initial months that are really hard! Good luck!

twinkelydots said...

WTG on the loss!!

As for picking your goal I went with the highest WW goal for my height. That way I wouldn't have to pay for meetings once I reached goal.

Overhauling-Me said...

WooHoo!! Awesome loss! If you keep your focus on exercise this week you should definitely be in the 170's your next weigh in.

Have fun with the skiing. I've never been but something I'd like to do in the future.

karen said...

Hooray Tracy!!! What a GREAT loss! I'm with you on the exercise bit. I had SUCH big plans this week to start making it a regular part of my routine ... and then little guy has been quite IRregular for his sleeping patterns all week and it threw me for a loop. We'll get there, though :)

Kud said...

I think that it's beautiful and SUPER HEALTHY that instead of a number, you're waiting to like what you see and allow your body itself and body image to decide where to stop. Just don't let yourself feel unsatisfied with what you see in the mirror because you are you and that is beautiful and amazing enough, without having to compare yourself to any sort of unrealistic standards.

Congrats on the loss!! We'll do it slow and steady together. Make that weight really stick and let our bodies adjust slowly so that they dont' feel too overwhelm and try to rebel with thyroid issues, vitamin deficiencies etc. I always feel bad for those hollywood starlets who lose all their baby weight within a month because i Think that they mistreat their bodies and don't thank their bodies for giving them another human being. Instead they beat their bodies into skinny-ness at the detriment of their health and healing. I just feel bad and sad. So slow weightloss is gentler/kinder and saner.
Ok I think i've babbled enough. See you later :D or rather type you later :D

Kinder said...

Way to go on your awesome loss!! You are doing so great! I am so inspired!!

I wish I had some advice on exercise - I need that advice myself! I think a good rule of thumb (although I don't follow it myself) is to move your body everyday. Whether that's just walking or a full on work out.

Ha! I should take that advice.

Natalie said...

Wahoo!! Great loss! Hope you had a great time skiing!