Friday, February 6, 2009

Week #4 Results

Sorry, I am a day late but school work kept me busy, busy, busy yesterday. I am hoping to finally graduate this June but these last few classes are extremely time consuming.

My weigh in yesterday was 185 exactly. That gives me a -.5 loss for the week but brings me to exactly 10 pounds lost total. I was so happy to reach that 10 pound mark. And I am still feeling a little frustrated that the weight seems to be coming off so slowly now but it is coming off. Thanks again for all your comments, they really help me put things in perspective and keep going instead of throwing in the towel.

I did decide to change things up a bit with my WW plan. I am going to try the Wendie plan for a week and see how it goes. The last two weeks I have hardly used any of my 35 flex points, and I really don’t want my body to get used to that and then spike my weight up if I decide to use them one week. Even if it slows my weight loss down, I think I’ll be a lot happier this way. And I am making Saturday my Super High Day since that’s the day I tend to eat the most or want to eat out.

I also read a really good interview with Bob and Jillian here. And this is what my idol Jillian has to say “You can have a high-calorie day, but not a cheat day. I don't even like the word "cheat." It makes a person feel dirty. Forget that. Take a day out of your week and raise your calories up to 2,000. This way you can have some high-calorie foods but with boundaries so you don't wreck all your progress in one day. Additionally, you won't feel like you blew it and then beat yourself up.” That makes a lot of sense to me. And when I looked at her eating plan once I noticed she varied the amount of calories each day. So if its good enough for Jillian, it must be good for me. J

Yesterday was a great day food and exercise wise. I love to cook but it seems I never have much time but I am making an attempt at trying new recipes. I tried the Hungry Girl recipe for Chicken Alfredo last night using whole wheat pasta. It was so yummy! I used a garlic and herb Laughing Cow wedge instead of the original and added mushrooms for a veggie.

I am also obsessed with kale chips. I’ve read about them on various other blogs and since I love kale I finally tried them. They are addictive. And if you use Pam and no cheese they are zero points! Although I really enjoy 1 point of Parmesan sprinkled over the top.

Hope everyone has a great weekend. Temperatures are supposed to warm up here so I’m hoping to get out of the house for a bit. I’ll be back on Sunday at the latest for a weekend recap and to post my 1 month measurements. I’m pretty excited to see what they are.


Marisa @Loser for Life said...

OMG, Tracy - that is awesome!!! You lost 10 POUNDS IN ONE MONTH!!!! I think you are losing at a great rate. You seem to have done really well when you use your 35 extra POINTS; I noticed that I can't use more than 15 -17 or I won't lose. I think you might have something with varying your calories like the Wendie Plan. I'm excited to see how it works for you!
Keep doing what you're doing, Tracy - you are really succeeding!

Oh, and hope you find some Vitatops, too!! Check in the freezer section of your local supermarket near the breakfast foods and you can always ask the manager if they will order them in for you!

Psalmist said...

I've talked with a lot of people who do calorie-cycling, and it works well for them. I guess it keeps the metabolism on it's "toes". *grins*

Great job with your loss. That is pretty darned awesome! :o )

Shari said...

Yeah girl, you are doing GREAT!!! I might just have to look into that Wendie diet thingy. I'm always interested in trying new stuff!

Enjoy the 60 degree weather. I'm heading to Bowling Green tomorrow but hope to get a good walk in on campus (I'm going to a WKU (my alma mater) basketball game so I'll be on campus). It's going to be a beautiful day!

Bre said...

Congrats on hitting the 10 pound mark!! You are doing so well!!!