Sunday, February 1, 2009

Superbowl weekend

The weekend has been really good so far. I spent most of yesterday doing homework but I finally managed to get 2 miles on my treadmill and that felt good. I seem to be doing wonderful food wise but really struggling with getting my exercise in.

I had planned on using part of my 35 flex points today at a Superbowl party but they had to cancel at the last minute because of an emergency. So I still have 4 points for the day now, but I may splurge a bit while watching the show.

TJ from TJ's Weigh or the Highway suggested everyone come up with some February goals and I think that is a good idea to keep me motivated. I am going to try to do them in week increments and see how I did at the end of each week and if possible do even better the next week. So here we go...

1. Exercise for 40 minutes at least 3 times a week. (I'd like to increase this to 4-5 times by the end of the month).

2. Drink only one diet soft drink a day. (I stole this from TJ but it seemed like a really good one. I have already cut way back so I'd like to see how this works).

3. Eat my five fruits and vegetables each day. (My week started on Thursday so I did not make it two days of my week so far but yesterday and today are on target).

4. Do a post at least every other day. (This helps me stay accountable too and I love reading everyone else).

Hope everyone else has a great Superbowl.


Psalmist said...

Those sound like really good goals!

Kud said...

These sound like really good goals. I try to make goals, but for some reason the pressure really derails me. But when I do things by ear, based on how I feel, I do MUCH better than when I pressure myself...weird, huh?