Thursday, February 12, 2009

Week #5 Results

Wendie rocks! I am definitely sticking to the plan again this week. I ended up only using 23 of my 35 flex points but apparently it worked. (I also exercised 4 times this week so I need to keep that up too.)

I weighed in this morning at 182.5 for a loss of 2.5 this week. I am sooooo happy! Its not that I wasn't happy about the other losses, I just felt like all the hard work I have put in should have been justified a bit. So now if/when the next few weeks are small losses again, I think this will keep me going. I am only 6.5 pounds away from my first goal of 10%. How exciting.

We had a beautiful day today. It was fairly warm, the sun was shining. And now I have total spring fever. I am just ready for nicer weather and to be outside. I'm not a cold weather person at all. And now I have the goal of being able to buy all new clothes this summer because mine don't fit. : )

For dinner tonight I bought a fresh salmon filet that was on sale for 4.99 a pound. It ended up being only 6 oz, which was 9 points. I just put salt and pepper on it and cooked it on the George Foreman. Wow, was it good. I have always liked salmon but just got it when eating out or in a can. I will definitely be buying this more.


Shari said...

YES!! That's awesome Tracy!! Believe it or not, I've forgotten to weigh in the past 2 mornings. Me and the scale have a date every morning after I dry my hair and just before I get dressed. But the past 2 mornings I've overslept and have gotten out of the routine. So hopefully tomorrow I remember. But I won't be down much if any. But that's ok...I'm working my booty off! I made it ALL.THE.WAY.ACROSS 2nd street bridge and back today. Oh it was a great feeling!

Kud said...

YAAAAY!!!! I'm sooooo happy for you! and I think 2.5lbs is frickin amazin!!!!!! So super super super congrats to you and your newly acquired tightened bootay :D

Sarah said...

That is so awesome! Great work!

Marisa @Loser for Life said...

TRACY ROCKS!!! Great job! So excited you get to shop for new cute clothes!!