Sunday, February 8, 2009

Goals Revisited

So last Sunday I posted my goals for the week. I think I will keep these on a Sunday basis and then with my weigh in on Thursday that gives me two goals for the week at two different times and I don't feel so stressed on Wednesday.

So here is what I had aimed for last week and here is how I did ...

1. Exercise for 40 minutes at least 3 times a week. (I'd like to increase this to 4-5 times by the end of the month). I exercised on Monday for 40 minutes, Thursday for 46 minutes, and Saturday for 30 minutes. So I guess I fell 4 minutes short of my goal, but I'm still pretty happy with that. Exercise seems to be the hardest for me to get going.

2. Drink only one diet soft drink a day. (I stole this from TJ but it seemed like a really good one. I have already cut way back so I'd like to see how this works). Definitely didn't do too well at this. I think out of 7 days I had 3 days of only drinking one a day. I only drink diet now, but I could still do better at this.

3. Eat my five fruits and vegetables each day. (My week started on Thursday (now going from Sunday to Sunday so this didn't really pertain so I did not make it two days of my week so far but yesterday and today are on target). I got all five servings in 4 days out of 7. Again, not too great but I do notice I am making more of an effort to get them all in so I feel like I am improving.

4. Do a post at least every other day. (This helps me stay accountable too and I love reading everyone else). I posted on Sunday, Wednesday and Friday. Hmmm....close.

Okay, so out of all 4 goals I didn't complete one of them. But I do feel like aiming for them helped me make better choices. So I think my goal for this week will be the same four BUT my main goal will be to improve on what I did this week. Eventually I hope to be perfect at all of them but I will settle for improving on them for now.

I think slow, steady changes instead of my normal "all or nothing" attitude will help make these habits more of a lifestyle change that I can keep doing over the long term.


Vickie said...

glad that my donation idea worked for the boy scouts - I will be very glad when they think of something else for these kids to do than sell junk!!!

karen said...

I only set 3 goals for the entire month and so far pretty much suck ... especially my goal to "Take at least 10 minutes EVERY SINGLE FREAKIN DAY to get in some sort of exercise." This week we'll BOTH do better! Deal?

Sarah said...

Slow and steady will win, its just a longer journey. Your goals are great and don't beat yourself if you don't meet them 100%, a little is better than nothing. Keep it up and congrats on 10lbs!!