Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Getting ready

Wow, I got comments! I was so excited. And I even got one from Angie of Angie all the Way, who is a big hero of mine. What she went through and how far she has come in spite of her obstacles is just amazing to me. Makes me realize I have no excuse to get my butt in gear and do it too. I now can see what people mean when they say having a blog like this motivates them to keep going and the people they meet inspire them and keep them accountable. And I've already found several more blogs that I want to keep up with, including someone in my city.

My official weigh in day is going to be on Wednesdays so I am going to start actually counting points tomorrow. I have been watching things for the past two days and honestly trying to get some bad stuff out of the house (yes, by eating it, I realize that kind of defeats the purpose!). But I have gone to the grocery and have stocked up on healthy food and I am ready to go. I will post all my stats tomorrow along with my points for the day. I am also going to take measurements tonight and hopefully take a better before picture.

Here are the weight loss goals I have now. I am going to work on them for the Biggest Loser challenge and then reevaluate them when it ends and see where I want to go and what I want to focus on then. I know at the moment I am mainly focused on losing weight but I also want to become healthier over the long term. And I honestly don't have an ending goal weight yet because I have no idea where it might be that I'm happy with myself. According to Weight Watchers for a 5'3 person my weight should be between 113 - 141. I think I'd be happy somewhere in that range. I certainly can't remember the last time I weighed even the high end of that so I'm looking forward to getting there.

Weight loss goals:
10% (19 pounds) 176
Wedding weight 165
Closer to 100 then 200 149

Non weight related goals:
Eat less sugar
Eat less processed food
Drink more water/less soft drinks (I love Diet Mt. Dew)
Exercise at least 3x a week


Marisa @Loser for Life said...

Just saying Hi to a fellow Team Angie member! Looking forward to the challenge!

karen said...

Hi Tracy! I'm another Team Angie member & this is my first time doing BLBE and I'm SO excited about it!!! I couldn't believe it when all the comments came rolling in yesterday on my blog ... I've been so used to maybe having 3 or 4 semi-regular readers and most of them I share DNA with. This is going to be GREAT!

betseydoodle said...

Hi Tracy! I'm on your team too! Go Team Angie!

Shari said...

Team Angie here too! I'm always here for ya if you want to bounce frustrations off of. Possibly just around the corner :-)

Good luck to you while we kick some BOO-TAY with Team Angie!!