Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The night before ...

Okay, I am done eating for the night. Even with the two days I threw eating to the wind I managed to stay within my points the other five days. And I met my goal of exercising three times this week. I hope that is enough for a loss tomorrow morning. I am not even looking for a big loss, just something to keep me motivated going into week 3. And I’m just plain nervous about seeing that number.

I keep looking in the mirror expecting to see this new thinner person after losing 5 ½ pounds but I don’t see her yet. Well, duh. And I really don’t like the physical looks of the person I see now. Although I do like the new energy and attitude these past few weeks have already given me. Hopefully that is going to be motivating me all throughout the next 16 weeks. I already have images of all the cute outfits I am going to be able to wear this summer!


Shari said...

Woo hoo! We'll have to go shopping together this summer for our super cute new outfits!!!

Great work! I was running late this morning so I forgot to weigh in. So I hope Ms Angie doesn't mind me being a day late.

Marisa @Loser for Life said...

Good luck, Tracy!