Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A post to read

I just read the most amazing post written by Kud at Fabulously Fit. I had just written how I was having a hard time looking in the mirror each morning and really just hating what I see. My face is too bloated, my hair is dull and limp, my stomach sticks way out, my hips are too wide and on and on …

And then I started my round of blogs and this is the first one I clicked on. It’s well worth the read. And I still don’t know how to link but it is over on the right hand side of my page. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.


Kud said...

THANKS FOR THE SHOUTOUT!!! I wrote it in capitals because I'm excited and hoonored.

Kinder said...

I read somewhere once that when looking in the mirror, instead of being critical of what we see, we should be positive instead. For example saying that "my legs are strong and muscular" or whatever you see that you can feel positive about.

Kinder said...

I read somewhere once that when looking in the mirror, instead of being critical of what we see, we should be positive instead. For example saying that "my legs are strong and muscular" or whatever you see that you can feel positive about.