Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Beginning

Well, here is my first post. I have wanted to start a blog for quite a while but joining the Biggest Loser Blog Edition finally got me motivated to do it. I almost joined last time but missed out on the sign up date. And of course, I am still the same weight I was back then. I am so excited about doing this challenge. I am hoping following along with everyone else will be the kick in the pants I need to finally get myself on the right track to becoming the healthy person I know I can be. I have lurked on probably hundreds of blogs over the last several years and reading them is so inspiring.

As far as my background, I honestly can’t remember a time when I didn’t feel overweight. Even as a kid I was never skinny. I don’t think from looking at pictures that I was overweight, but I seemed to always be the “healthy” one in the group, while my friends were always petite and tiny. In high school I think I was at a very normal weight for my height (5’3) but again, I was always around very thin and petite people and that’s when I really started to be aware of it. Ever since then I have tried every diet known and I would do well for a while and then quit and gain every bit back plus more. I am not currently at my all time high weight but I am very close to it.

I am hoping this time will be the one that breaks the cycle and lets me get this weight off once and for all. I am going to follow weight watchers since I have had the most success with it and know the plan backwards and forwards. Unfortunately I really can’t afford the meetings right now so I am going to do it on my own. I am doing a few things different this time that I hope will motivate me and keep me going. The biggest one is this blog.

I think I probably should not be so long winded on my first post so I’ll wrap this up. I am going to come up with some short term and long term goals and post them in the next few days. I weighed in this morning to email my weight to the Biggest Loser challenge but I am going to start following the plan tomorrow.


Shari said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shari said...

Sorry about the comment I deleted. Way too many typos -- it's too early :)

Hey Tracy -- it's nice to 'meet' you. I saw on the comments section over at BLBE that you too are in Louisville. My blog is so stop by and visit. I look forward to following your journey!

Angela Power said...

Welcome to the challenge Tracy! That's so exciting that you've found someone in in your area in the challenge! :-)

AnonMom said...

Go, Tracy!

My husband and I are also doing WW "on our own". I did manage to find some points journals on Ebay to keep us going. It works much better for us when we track our points (if you're using points). I'm also trying to plan for the future - planning more family activities for spring and summer (utility cycling - using my bike instead of a car when possible - and hiking with the kids and the dogs).

Good luck! Keep at it! It's hard work, but so worth it. You can actually add years, if not decades, to your future.